Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Happy birthday Pisces!!
Say hello to a fresh start! All through February you were busy tying up loose ends and now its time to share the new you with the world. It looks like the Universe will be sending divine and magical clues your way…so keep your eyes open for signs and coincidences. Word of caution – be careful of the words you choose when offering advice to near and dear ones, lest they accuse of meddling. This will be a great month to put your exciting plans and ideas into action. You will be focused on your ventures which is great since Pisces can easily become bored or distracted. Ground yourself Pisces!
Ruler: Neptune, the planet of attraction and divine guidance
Your gifts: imagination, consideration, generosity
Your issues: flightiness, superstitious
Your saving grace: your ability to charm people
Compatible with: Scorpio, Taurus
Not so compatible with: Gemini, Sagittarius
Celebrity starmates: Drew Barrymore, Emily Blunt, Rihanna,