Manasi Parekh's Beauty Secrets

There is something endearingly bohemian about Manasi Parekh. A blend of innate grace and expressive beauty, she is no ordinary television starlet. Television, films, commercials, music…Manasi is constantly reinventing herself and finding ways to express her free-spirited approach to life. Driven, ambitious and completely in tune with her talent…Tinsel Gupshup brings you Manasi Parekh’s beauty secrets.
TG: You have beautiful skin, please share your regimen with us (morning and night)
MP: When I am not shooting, I don’t wear any makeup. I use a very basic moisturizer every single day and I make sure to remove all my makeup before I go to sleep. I believe that eating right is very important for keeping your skin healthy. If I am stressed or I have not slept well…it will show on my face immediately
TG: As an actor, you have to wear make-up for long hours, endure strong lights day in and day out, how do you protect your skin when you are shooting?
MP: If I am shooting outdoors, I always wear sunscreen. Apart from that I always use high quality makeup products.
TG: At shoots, do you wear your own brand of make-up?
MP: Yes! I use MAC or Bobbi Brown
TG: What is the one skin care product you absolutely cannot do without?
MP: That would have to be my face wash from either Neutrogena or Body Shop
TG: How do you deal with the occasional break-out?
MP: You know, I am past the phase where I would stress about a pimple. In college, you see a pimple and you are like – Oh my God!! How will I face that boy!! Now, if I get a pimple, I just leave it alone and let it heal naturally.
TG: When it comes to skin care and make-up products are you an impulsive shopper or do you research before you buy and try?
MP: I think if you make it a point to buy products from established brands then you won’t have to get into too much research. I don’t mind paying a lot for my products because I know I am investing in quality. Those companies have already done all the research and they know what they are talking about. So my motto is to invest in good brands.
TG: How do you pamper your skin? (Spa treatments, masks)
MP: I don’t go for facials but I love spa treatments. Whenever I get a chance, I book myself in for a spa treatment and indulge.
TG: What products do you carry in your handbag?
MP: My lip balm, my perfume, I carry tissues and a hand sanitizer.
TG: What is your magic home remedy? Something your mother or grandmother taught you?
MP: When I was a child, my mom would always oil my hair. Believe it or not…I have started doing that again and it has made a world of a difference to my hair! I think it is so important to oil your hair at least once a week. My hair is so much healthier so I think that is the best home remedy.
TG: Late night shoots, you wake up feeling blah...what do you do for a skin pick me up?
MP: Washing my face with very cold water is a good skin pick me up. Also, I’ll make sure to keep myself hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
TG: One actor (female - Films, Television or Hollywood) who you think has flawless and beautiful skin?
MP: I think Kareena Kapoor has really good skin. Her complexion is just beautiful. Also I think Nandita Das has really good skin.
TG: Do you do anything in particular for your skin before an important event, evening, photo-shoot?
MP: I really do like to keep my look natural and simple. So I won’t go to a salon or something before a big event. I’ll just use concealer, something to accentuate the eyes, good mascara, put on a peachy blush and of course…can’t leave home without my charm!!
TG: Any product that you absolutely rave about and swear by? (After using this product you have
called you friends up and said - Oh my God, you have to try this)
MP: Ummmm…let me think. I have come across this Black mask from a spa that I go to. It has minerals and nutrients from the Dead Sea. I am in love with this mask…it is a bit expensive but so rejuvenating. Also, I love Bobbi Brown’s foundation. I was so impressed with it, went and bought the same for my mom as well. It is one of the best foundations that I have used.
TG: What is Manasi’s trademark make-up style?
MP: Natural and fresh! I love experimenting with my eyes so I do have all kinds of eye liners and shadows.
TG: The best beauty advice / tip that you have received
MP: I think we get so caught up in trying to look pretty and trying to look perfect. Sometimes we just try too hard and that takes away from what is naturally beautiful. So, I would say…don’t try too hard and don’t bother about what looks good on other people. I do like getting dressed up and looking good when I go out but, I don’t believe in going overboard. So…just stick to what looks good on YOU!
Photo credit: Manasi Parekh
©Tinsel Gupshup