Neha's beauty secrets

Some girls are just naturally beautiful and Neha Kaul is one of them! Her modesty is refreshing…ask her about her flawless skin and she attributes it to her Kashmiri genes, compliment her on how her skin glows onscreen and she brushes that off to great makeup!! Beauty is not just skin deep and call it good genes or good makeup, this elegant and graceful lass is a stunner! Tinsel Gupshup talks to this Femina Cover Girl and brings you her beauty secrets!
TG: You have beautiful skin, please share your regimen with us (morning and night)
NK: I know this is going to sound clichéd and you have probably heard this a million times but I really do owe my good skin to my good genes. I am from Kashmir, my mother has beautiful skin and thankfully I have inherited the same from her. I know people who use all kinds of products, visit beauty salons for facials, treatments etc but I just let my skin be and it takes care of itself naturally. I really do believe that a healthy lifestyle is the best regimen for glowing and healthy skin so I eat right, exercise and use natural remedies. In the mornings, I wash my face with my regular face wash and then apply moisturizer and at night I apply Multani Mitti (Fuller’s Earth) and then wash my face. My skin tends to get a bit greasy by the end of the day so Multani Mitti helps balance it and if I feel the need to moisturize, I’ll use a light moisturizer or else I’ll just let my skin breathe. So my regimen is very normal and basic.
TG: As an actor, you have to wear makeup for long hours, endure strong lights day in and day out, how do you protect your skin when you are shooting?
NK: Yes, we do have to wear makeup for long hours but luckily the quality of makeup now is really good so it does not harm your skin as such. I apply skin prep under my makeup and that helps nourish my skin and allows the makeup to blend well and stay smooth.
TG: At shoots, do you wear your own brand of makeup?
NK: Yes, I do, I carry my own makeup
TG: What is the one skin care product you absolutely cannot do without?
NK: I tend to bite my lips…so the one product that I just cannot do without is my Uriage Lip Balm. I have tried all kinds of lip balms but they just make my lips worse. Uriage is a medicated balm and even if I apply it just once a day, it does wonders. It is one of the best products if you tend to have dry lips.
TG: How do you deal with the occasional break-out?
NK: Honestly speaking I just leave it alone. I don’t fret and fuss over a pimple and I do not apply any anti-blemish ointment or cream. I’ll apply my Multani Mitti mask and that will eventually dry it out. There are no quick and easy solutions to blemishes and you just have to leave it alone and let it dry out naturally. Just eat healthy and drink lots of water and don’t worry about it!
TG: When it comes to skin care and make-up products are you an impulsive shopper or do you research before you buy and try?
NK: I am never impulsive about skin care and makeup products. I can only remember one time when I actually went ahead and bought a product that I had never heard of before and luckily it did suit my skin. I don’t think it is wise to be impulsive about products that you will use on your skin.
TG: How do you pamper your skin? (Spa treatments, masks)
NK: I do go for my regular clean-up sessions but when I just don’t get the time, I’ll steam my face and apply a nice home-made mask. My mom has always advised me to refrain from over indulging in spa treatments etc because you never know what kind of chemicals they use in their masks…so I prefer to use natural products.
TG: Your favorite face wash and moisturizing cream? Favorite brands?
NK: Ummm…I don’t have a favorite brand as such because I keep switching my face wash and moisturizer. Right now I am using a lovely Lemon face wash. This time of the year, my skin gets a bit greasy so the lemon wash works very well and I am using a Lotus moisturizer. It is a very light moisturizer so it does not clog my pores and leaves my skin beautifully soft.
TG: What products do you carry in your handbag?
NK: Let’s see…I carry my moisturizer, face wash and my makeup kit. Most of my makeup is either from MAC and I love the liquid foundation from B&D (Bharat & Dorris)
TG: Late night shoots, you wake up feeling blah...what do you do for a skin pick me up?
NK: I would drink lots and lots of water and I admit that I don’t drink enough water. Sometimes the shoot goes on very late into the night in which case after pack up, I’ll eat a very light and healthy breakfast before going to sleep.
TG: The secret to your gorgeous hair?
NK: Again, I have to thank my mom and dad for my hair! I oil my hair before every wash and I use a mixture of Castor and Coconut oil. I also use a mixture of Eggs and Yoghurt and when my hair has had an overdose of blow-drying, straightening etc then I go for a hair treatment at the spa.
TG: One actor (female - Films, Television or Hollywood) who you think has flawless and beautiful skin?
NK: I think Dia Mirza, Aishwarya and Kareena have beautiful skin
TG: Do you do anything in particular for your skin before an important event, evening, photo-shoot?
NK: I would go for my clean-up. If I just don’t have the time, I’ll steam, exfoliate and apply a mask, drink loads of water, eat well and just be good to my skin!
TG: Any product that you absolutely rave about and swear by? (After using this product you have called you friends up and said - Oh my God, you have to try this)
NK: Yes, I use the clarifying lotion by Clinique and I just love it!! It helps to open up your pores so if I don’t have time to steam my face or go for my clean up, I’ll use this clarifying lotion and I can see the difference immediately. It actually smoothes the way for my moisturizer. So Clinique’s clarifying lotion and my Uriage Lip balm are the two products I have told my friends about.
TG: What is Neha’s trademark make-up style?
NK: Very simple and natural. A bit of blush, liner, kajal and lip balm.
TG: The best beauty advice / tip that you have received
NK: I feel that makeup is blended best with the fingers. So if you apply concealer or foundation you should blend with your fingers not your brush.
Photo credit: Neha Kaul
© Tinsel Gupshup