Good boy...Bad boy...God - Saurabh Raj Jain

He can be rude, brash, and arrogant yet switch to calm, serene and divine! In a day and age when ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ are played by two different actors on a show, Saurabh Raj Jain breaks away from the tried and tested bracket by portraying both good and evil in two different popular prime time shows. We hate Yuvraj’s contemptuous sneer in Uttaran yet love Vishnuji’s charming ‘know it all smile’ in Mahadev! Tall, confident but self effacing and extremely polite, Saurabh is a wonderful and versatile talent – confused teen, good boy, bad boy and God! This time around Tinsel Gupshup takes a bit of a backseat and hands you the floor because this time around YOU interview Saurabh!
TG: Did you always want to become an actor? How did the acting bug get you?
SRJ: To be very honest, I never thought I would take up modelling, television or acting. My first show was Remix for Star One. Many people had told me to consider ramp modelling because of my height but I never took the suggestions seriously. I had a friend in college who used to model and we lived close to each other so we would commute to college and back. One day I accompanied him to an audition and that happened to be the Remix audition. Shrishti Behl was there and she asked me to give it a shot. I was very curious about being in front of the camera so I figured, why not? A few days after my audition, I got a call confirming that I had bagged the role!! So, acting kind of happened out of the Blue and I had seriously never ever thought that I would come into this field.
My parents were completely against my decision to become an actor. My mom is a lawyer and my father’s side of the family is business oriented so that is my background. I had never dreamt that I would get offered a role and when opportunity knocked, I just did not want to let it go. So I pretty much told my folks that I was going to go to Mumbai whether I had their permission or not and that is how my journey started.
TG: So we read somewhere that you were quite the rebel at one point in life...does this phase count as your rebellious one
SRJ: could say that!
TG: You are an extremely popular guy on TV and needless to say your fans are very curious about we have some fan questions for you...
SRJ: This is very exciting...ask away...
TG: Maith (Dallas, Texas) asks - What would be an alternative career, if you weren’t an actor? Is it true you have an MBA? How did the career switch happen?
SRJ: Thanks Maith. Ok, so I’ll answer the second part of the question first. There was never really a career switch. I had to do my MBA solely because my mother pushed me into it and she left me with no other choice! Going back to your rebel question, actually my mom became more of a rebel once I told her that I wanted to become an actor and she kind of threatened me into doing my MBA! I understand where she was coming from; basically she wanted me to have a Masters degree no matter what I chose to do in life.
Now to answer the first half of the question, I really don’t know what I would have pursued had I not become an actor. I mean, I just can’t think of anything beyond acting! That is my passion so I really don’t know how to answer that question. The one thing that I can say is that though I come from a business and law background, I never saw myself in a 9 to 5 office job and again I don’t have a business temperament. It was always about creativity for me.
TG: But you must have had an idea of what you wanted to do career wise when you were in college?
SRJ: Honestly speaking at that point in time I had no vision for my future...I just wanted to enjoy my college days. I would participate in a lot of events, contests, even then I just went into all this creative stuff. I just knew that I could not go into a 9 to 5 sort of life.
TG: That is so interesting because you wanted to get into something creative, you had no plans as such and yet it just happened...
SRJ: You know, I read a lot and there is this book that I am sure everyone must be aware of – ‘The Secret’. I truly do believe in the Law of Attraction. I might not have had an idea of what I wanted to be but subconsciously I always felt that the Creative field was where my calling was. I truly believe what I thought of is what I attracted into my life. So you can call it luck, fate, chance, destiny or the power of attraction.
TG: Coming back to Maith’s question...On a lighter note, how tall are you? :)
SRJ: (Laughs out loudly) Ok, see officially, I really wanted someone to ask me this question and I am happy to clarify this through Tinsel Gupshup. I have read so many random things about my height – I am 6’6, 7ft, I am a giant and all that kind of stuff! I am very tall and according to international standards, my height is actually very good. So once and for all...I am 6ft 3inches and very proud of it!
TG: But you should be proud of it...
SRJ: No, but you should read people’s reactions online. I was on this site where viewers discuss the show, actors etc and most of the time when I read about myself there seems to be an issue about my height. You won’t believe how much people discuss my height and I don’t know why?? So, I am 6’3 and very happy about my height!
TG: Ok...but on a serious note, for international standards, ramp modelling - 6’3 and above is great but when you are acting in Indian television and you are paired with a female co-actor, how does that work out? For example in Uttaran, you are standing with Tina or another female actor who might be small or of an average height...does that work in your favour or does it work against you? How do you think it looks on screen?
SRJ: Ummmm...ok, before I answer that I’ll let you in on a little fact. After I finished Remix, I used to get calls for shows so I would go in for the auditions and even get selected. However, believe it or not the only reason they would let me go or reject me was because of my height! So, they would tell me, “Oh you are too tall to play the main lead” or “You are too tall for the girl so we can’t take you.” So basically at that point in time, the last statement would always come down to – Oh you are too tall! That was a really tough phase for me because I would hear about my height thing from everyone in the industry and it was literally being thrown at my face all the time! I can’t even count...I can’t even tell you the number of times I got rejections just because I was 6ft 3inches tall!
So, coming back to you question, being tall, short, plump, thin all these things really don’t matter when you are playing a really does not matter. Even in Remix, the girl paired opposite me was quite small but it did not look awkward or anything. At the end of the day acting involves reacting, believing in the character; being the character so basically acting is not and cannot be a victim of physical statistics. In terms of aesthetics, if the girl is too short then we can use a stool or a paatla and that way the height factor can be taken care of within the camera’s frame.
TG: Suman asks - Has playing Vishnuji changed you personality in anyway? For example do you find yourself more spiritual than before?
TG: For people who are not aware of this, you have played Vishnuji in two shows – Jai Shri Krishna and now Mahadev...
SRJ: Ummm...actually, it is the other way around. I may be a rebel, that is definitely a part of me but I am also a constructive rebel and that is another part of me. I have been following Buddhism since my days in Delhi and it was the chant that attracted me to it. Whenever I chant, be it alone or in a group, I feel this absolute calmness and peace. I won’t call myself out and out spiritual but the effects of the chanting reflect in the way I talk, the way I interact with people and then ultimately the roles I portray.
TG: Anu from the UK wants to know what your pet peeve is
SRJ: I don’t like people who lie...that would be my pet peeve. It could be anyone but that really annoys me!
TG: Janaki (Chennai) asks - I think you slip between your roles in DKDM and Uttaran rather easily. My question is why did you choose to do a Mythological series where there is a risk of getting typecast?
SRJ: 10-15 years ago I would have been worried about getting typecast but the situation is so different now. Television today is booming, it is such a huge area and in this day and age I really don’t think that actors get typecast according to the roles they portray. Yes, viewers do get hooked to certain characters and they will always love and remember their favourite characters but there are just so many different channels and so many shows and a good actor needs to be able to adapt. I really feel that actors should be able to switch between different characters, shows and stories...that requires talent. So, why did I choose a mythological show? I played Vishnu in another show ‘Jai Shri Krishna and the producer of Mahadev – Mr. Nikhil Sinha, he was my director in that previous show. So when he was casting for the role of Vishnuji in Mahadev, he called me up straight away and I accepted without any hesitation.
TG: You play Vishnuji so beautifully and on that note Janaki wants to know, how do you maintain that constant Vishnu smile on your face without appearing fake? She adds that she is a complete sucker for that smile!
SRJ: (Chuckles) please thank Janaki on my behalf. I am on top of the world right now and the next time I go for my shot I will smile even more!! As I mentioned, my belief in Buddhism and my chanting definitely help, especially when I play Vishnuji.
TG: Hemangi wants to know what it feels like to be the most desirable married hunk on television?
SRJ: (Laughs loudly) really? I am not aware of this. Please mention this to my wife because it will make her day! Actually, this happy phase in my life has come about after I got married to my wife. I am serious when I tell you that she has brought the brightness and happiness in my life. I am just so grateful to her. This November, we will be completing two years of marriage and once again I will emphasize that I truly believe that I have attracted all this into my life.
TG: Meher (Delhi) wants to know how you maintain the balance between two contrasting roles – Mahadev and Uttaran?
SRJ: See, I feel that an actor can act when he believes in a particular character. I had to do a lot of research on Yuvraj, made lots of notes just so that I could understand where he was coming from. I will admit that Yuvraj was an extremely challenging role for me because he is completely different from me. I mean, he is arrogant and proud and those aspects are understandable but it was really hard for me to get my head around the fact that he insults people, has no respect for anyone, lies to his own family etc. So, I had to get to the bottom of things and try and understand what motivated Yuvraj to be that way. Basically, Yuvi’s main angst is that he never had a real mother and that makes him very angry. At the same time he just does not want to show people that he is hurt and angry because that will make him vulnerable.
On the other hand when I play Vishnuji, I cannot do much research. I mean I cannot break things down and determine why he acts in a certain way because he is God. Having said that, I do understand that as God, he knows everything, he is aware of the past, present and the future but then again, he cannot disclose everything. He is bound by time and if he gives anything away before its time then it will lead to chaos. So, he knows everything but he is quiet and just maintains that all knowing smile and that is his personality. So basically, even if I am playing contrasting roles, as long as I am aware of the situation, the personality, the reasons etc I can maintain the balance well.
TG: Harnisha (Hyderabad) wants to know your greatest fear and what did you do to overcome it?
SRJ: Everyone has fears and I have faced my own fears at different points in my life. I suppose my most recent one was when I came to Mumbai and started getting rejected for roles because of my height. That was a really tough phase in my life and my biggest fear was that I was getting rejected for a reason that I had no control over. What inspired me was an interview on Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. I remember I was surfing channels and I saw this interview where Mr. Bachchan was talking about his journey and he mentioned that when he came into the industry everyone would just look at him and say, “oh, you are so tall and won’t fit in!” Ultimately, he said to himself that his height is his height and there is nothing he can do about it but he started working on the areas that he could his acting, voice, talent. That is when I got really motivated and basically I told myself to leave my height alone and work on the hundred other things that I could improve. If you want to get motivated just look around you and you will definitely find something to get you going!
TG: Pallavi (Canada) asks - How has your journey from Aman in remix to Yuvraj in Uttaran been? Which was your favourite role?
SRJ: The journey has been really good and I am still learning...I mean there is just so much to learn. When I played Aman in Remix I was completely different as an actor. I would learn my lines and then just deliver them...I was in a constant state of confusion. Aman as a character was always unsure of everything and at that time Saurabh too was unsure of everything he was doing. I never knew if I had done a good job or a bad job...just confused. I really thank Shrishti di for giving me the opportunity to play Aman because it was such a fantastic learning experience for me. I was also very camera shy at that time. I mean, I would go on stage and all but in front of the camera I would just clam up. Well, I definitely feel that I have grown immensely and the journey is still on and I have a long way to go.
As far as all my roles are concerned, Yuvi has been the most challenging so far, It is too difficult to choose amongst all my roles, I think all of them are very dear to my heart because I have always put in my heart and soul into each role. So I can’t just choose any one role.
TG: Shruti (UK) asks - We expect you have your hands full at the moment with both Uttaran & DKDM (May Mahadev always give you success) but any idea on what next after this? Any preferred roles/ projects after?
SRJ: Oh that is so sweet...thank you...
TG: Adding to Shruti’s question, we read somewhere that you want to play a lead role in a project...
SRJ: Well, on television I don’t know about a dream role but there is this dream character that I have always wanted to portray and that is of Rabindranath Tagore. I really don’t know why, I suppose it’s because he was an artist, a poet, a writer, he was extremely well read so basically he was the complete embodiment of creativity in every sense. I want to read more about him, learn more about him and I have always felt that I could perhaps play him well. I really don’t know if that is possible on television but I do hope that someday I might get to portray him.
TG: Tulika from Pune asks - Almost every actor has a story of struggle behind his success. Did you have to struggle to make a name for yourself in the TV Industry?
SRJ: As I had mentioned the period of struggle happened after Remix. After Remix I took some time off to complete my computer application degree and when I came back after a year I really had to struggle. That gap did not help at all because people only remember you or your work till the time you are visible on television. So when you are working they are like - “Oh right I know this guy” and then later they are like...”Oh right you were that guy?” So that was a period of struggle for me.
TG: Your favourite scene in Parichay is with your screen mom...can you tell us more about that scene? (Scene at the bottom of article)
SRJ: First of all that scene was shot in one shot. So what you see on screen is completely different from the way it was shot. Also there was this trolley movement where I had to come in at the right time, put my head on her lap at the right time, get up at the right time and there were a lot of timing based things in that particular scene. In that scene my screen mom has a backache problem so you can see she is in pain but she won’t let it show. I am very attached to my mother and she does not disclose her problems too, so in that scene I actually imagined that my own mother was there, hiding her pain from me. So all these reasons made that my favourite scene.
TG: So your mom watches these shows and she is happy with your work?
SRJ: will not believe this but when I was dating my wife, we wanted to get married and my mom was like you can only get married to her after you complete your MBA and I was like – are you serious? So that is where my mom comes from. She is a completely academically oriented mother. Nothing in the media attracts her but yes, she definitely watches my shows and criticises them. Most of the times her criticisms are a motherly thing – “tu kitna patla ho gaya hai” etc. At the end of the day I do see happiness on her face that her son is happy doing what he wants to do.
TG: I had asked Mohit Raina this question as well and since you play Vishnuji I am very curious. So when you go out, do you have any strange requests from fans to bless them and all?
SRJ: Oh it happens all the time. When we come out of our shoot there is a bit of a walk to get to our makeup room and most of the time there are people waiting to take our pictures and autographs. I mean, we will be in our costumes and many people come with their kids or babies and ask us to bless them. It does feel extremely awkward because we are just actors in a costume but I believe that the fans and viewers make us who we are. So even though I might feel strange and awkward, I’ll try and reason with them and explain that I am just an actor but if it still makes them happy then I will oblige. I cannot disappoint them.
TG: So there are some diehard Mahadev fans and then there are diehard Uttaran fans. So do you get messages from your fans that please don’t play Yuvraj or please don’t play do you react?
SRJ: Yes, I do get such feedback from my viewers. Luckily they are not hate mails or anything. Most of the time they just don’t want to see me doing a negative role like Yuvraj but ultimately I will use Tinsel Gupshup to tell my viewers that ultimately I am actor and my job is to act. So whichever role I am given to play, it is my duty and responsibility to act it out and believe in my character completely. So please just get entertained and please do not take it seriously.
“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” - Lou Holtz
Saurabh has faced his share of struggles but hard work, positivity and the firm belief that he can have, do or achieve anything he wants have enabled him to shine through and showcase his talent. You can’t typecast his passion, soft spoken with a slight intensity that is hard to describe, he is hard to pin down and that is exactly how Saurabh Raj Jain likes it!
Photo credit: Saurabh Raj Jain
*Tinsel Gupshup would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to Mohit's Angels (Anjali, Shruti and Tulika - @Mohit_FC) for running a contest on twitter and bringing us Saurabh's fans questions for this interview. You are Tinsel Gupshup's angels as well*
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