Mala's beauty secrets

Willowy and graceful, Mala Salariya lit up our screens when she made her TV debut in Rajan Shahi’s ‘Teri Meri Love Stories.’ Armed with a degree in Journalism, she has walked the ramp, modeled for Satya Paul and is now carving a niche for herself in the television world. Naturally gorgeous, Mala lets Tinsel Gupshup in on her beauty secrets.
TG: You have beautiful skin, please share your regimen with us (morning and night)
MS: I believe in the basics so I keep my regime very very simple. In the mornings I wash my face with a deep pore cleanser and use Sunscreen when I go out. At night, I make sure that I take off all my makeup before going to sleep. Nothing more.
TG: As an actor, you have to wear make-up for long hours, endure strong lights day in and day out, how do you protect your skin when you are shooting?
MS: I am very particular about my makeup products and I only use my own makeup. So, I carry my own products, brushes and sponges. I have extremely sensitive skin and that means I have to be even more cautious about what I use on my skin. I always sanitize my hands and request my makeup artist to wash his hands just before he gets started. Also, I clean my face as soon as the shoot is over…don’t leave the makeup on for long hours, especially when it is not needed.
TG: At shoots, do you wear your own brand of make-up?
MS: Absolutely! I don’t share products…especially brushes and sponges.
TG: What is the one skin care product you absolutely cannot do without?
MS: Honestly speaking, I don’t believe in all these products that you can pick up from stores and pharmacies. I have always tried to find natural alternatives so my Kitchen shelves and counters have all the ingredients for healthy skin! Since I have such sensitive skin I trust Haldi, Sandalwood, Yoghurt etc and I know these won’t harm my skin in any way.
TG: How do you deal with the occasional break-out?
MS: I don’t get pimples but if my makeup artist mixes my products with his own base or something then I am bound to get an allergic reaction (trust me, when I tell you I have sensitive skin…I am not joking!). Unfortunately there is nothing that I can do to calm my skin down when I get an allergic reaction, so I just leave it alone and let my skin heal naturally.
TG: How do you pamper your skin? (Spa treatments, masks)
MS: Ummm...I don’t go for any treatments or facials because of my sensitive skin. I do swear by a Besan and Dahi mask for my face. I mix the Besan and Dahi till the consistency is just right for a face pack and then I slather the mixture on my face and neck. I use this face pack at least twice a week and absolutely love how my skin feels when I have washed it off. I encourage everyone to give this face pack a try at least once! Also, use the Sauna and Steam room in my gym at least once a week…it is really good for my pores.
TG: Your favorite face wash and moisturizing cream? Favorite brands?
MS: Earlier, I used to have very dry skin and used a Face wash from L’Oreal. Now, my skin has become a bit oilier so I use Neutrogena’s Deep Clean Pore Cleanser. I avoid moisturizers and just use Sunscreen.
TG: What products do you carry in your handbag?
MS: Hand sanitizer, chapstick or lip balm and definitely a compact. I always carry tiffin because I try and eat every two hours.
TG: What is your magic home remedy? Something your mother or grandmother taught you?
MS: I am allergic to artificial jewellery so I have a very handy tip for any of your readers who might have the same issue. I apply a thin layer of nail polish to the stem of an earring or the back of a necklace and let it dry before I wear it. The nail polish forms a coat between the metal of the jewellery and your skin so if you are allergic to any metal then this will help. When we shoot, we have to wear artificial jewellery and I always get a rash…this tip is a bit time consuming but at least it will prevent an allergic reaction!
TG: Late night shoots, you wake up feeling blah...what do you do for a skin pick me up?
MS: I drink plenty of water and try and get some sleep.
TG: One actor (female - Films, Television or Hollywood) who you think has flawless and beautiful skin?
MS: Kareena Kapoor and my co-actor from Teri Meri Love Stories…Gautam Rode
TG: Do you like to try new products or do you prefer to stick to what works for you?
MS: Since I only use a face cleanser and Sunscreen, I don’t experiment with new products. If I meet someone who has the same skin type as mine and he or she recommends a dermatological product, I might give it a try. Most of the time, I stick to my tried and tested products.
TG: What is Mala’s trademark make-up style?
MS: I don’t like to use too much makeup so just Lip gloss and Kajal. If I really want to try something different then I emphasize my eyes. Eyeliners are too thick and Black so instead of using those, I use Black Eye shadow and apply it with an angular brush on the top of my lids. I’ll extend the line a bit towards the outer corners and that gives a very pretty effect.
TG: The best beauty advice / tip that you have received
MS: Water, water and more water!! I used to drink about 2 litres of water and then my co-actor got me into the habit of drinking more than that. I am a huge fitness freak and spend two hours at gym - 6 days a week and upping my water intake has made a huge difference to my skin and general well being. So drink plenty of water!
Photo credit: Mala Salariya
©Tinsel Gupshup